Sunday, March 20, 2016

SQL Injection with Hackbar

Hello guys how are you…
iam fine …
So today you learn basic of sql injection
I hope you all are fine
So today we learn how to inject a vulnerable website..

Do you know about Sql?
if you donot know What is sql .. so i will describe now ..
Sql stand for structured query language and it is a database.
So now talk about sql injection what is it ?
So lets start :

Q1:) What is SQL ?
Ans:) SQL Stand for (Structured Query Language) and it was first introduced as a commercial database systemin 1979 by Oracle Corporation.

Q1:) What is SQL Injection ?
Ans:) An SQL injection is a kind of injection vulnerability in which the attacker tries to inject arbitrary pieces of malicious data into the input fields of an application.

So Today we will a Inject a site .

Site ::
Injecting Point ::

1) Hack Bar (i have give download link in last, so don't worry, just add adds on  from that link.)
2) Some knowledge about SQL (if you no … So open and learn from it =D)

Press f9 to open or close hack bar :) so lets start …

Site is

And this is Injecting Point .
so lets .. go′ when we put quote sql error become generate,,
ok its mean the website is vulnerable..

so what will we do
1) find columns of website
2) Then union select
3) print table or column and your name , user, database …
going to find columns of website
to find column we will do order by
so lets see

no error
order by 5 .. no error
order by 10 .. error
order by 8 … error
order by 7 no error … so their is 7 columns …

now our mission is to union select it :) so lets see
and put – after id=


This is Waf

What is waf
Answer:) It stand for web application firewall
so lets bypass it..

/*5000Union*/ /*!50000union+*/select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
2 and 5 comes…
means 2 and 5 is vulnerable column …
we can write over query in 2 and 5 only :)
means we can execute query in it .. ok
lets do dios …
Dios stand for DataInOneShort
…. i can print tables and column now with dios …
union based > > Dios my sql >> Zen
then execute it
Wawoo .. Tables and columns show on page..
Now our goal is .. to print name or user or database
for print name+user+database+tables+columns .. we will concat it .. so lets concat it
to print user we write
Database: database()
and for name we can convert in 0x
we lets go
offf for bidden error again so again bypass it with /*50000*/
yahoo bypassed now we can break it..
means to come on next line so we use </br> in hackbar its already given lets use it
Now print User
now print database
for version :: we can write :: version()
so lets print columns and tables
Tables + columns + user + name .. done ‘
Thanks for watching …
Please Subscribe Channel …. Learn And Do it /*!50000union+*/select 1,/*!50000concat*/(0x596f754e616d65,0x3c62723e,user(),0x3c62723e,version(),make_set(6,@:=0x0a,(select(1)from(information_schema.columns)where@:=make_set(511,@,0x3c6c693e,table_name,column_name)),@)),3,4,database(),6,7
Advance Hackbar ADDON link :: Download here

so this is the method to do sql injection
i hope you like the Tutorial ..

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